Contact us online

If you need help with a non-urgent medical or admin request, you can now contact us online.
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To book an appointment, you can either:

Booking an Appointment

When booking an appointment there are a number of ways to book an appointment:

  • Online through the NHS App or Systmonline
  • Phone the surgery on 01283 563451
  • Visit the surgery and speak witha receptionist

Our appointments for the next day are available online from 7:00pm the night before. You can book a telephone consultation or face to face appointment.

If you are phoning to book a Nurse or HCA appointment, we would advise to phone after 9:00am as this will allow the patients who need a GP appointment be able to get through in the morning at 8:00am. We do understand that this may not be possible for all patients.

Appointment Reason

When making your appointment you may find the receptionist will ask you for a brief reason for your appointment. This is so that your appointment is booked appropriately with the correct clinician.

Who can you see

  • Any doctor at the surgery, if they’re available
  • The Nursing team
  • The Pharmacy Team

Telephone Consultation Appointments

If you have a Telephone Consultation booked with a member of our clinical team, you will not be called at the exact time that it states, the clinician will call you back either in the morning or afternoon depending on when your appointment is booked for.

Cancelling or changing an appointment

To cancel your appointment

  • use your NHS account (through the NHS website or NHS App)
  • using the GP online system – Systmonline
  • phone us on 01283 563451, Monday to Friday from 8am to 6.00pm

Home visits

If you are housebound and need an appointment, we will do a home visit. We will phone you first to understand what you need.

To request a home visit, it’s helpful if you phone the practice as soon after 8am as possible.

Extended access

We provide evening and weekend appointments outside of our normal opening hours. These can be booked by the surgery or by calling 111.

Extended access appointments may be at a different location.

Non-urgent advice: Call 111 if you need urgent advice

NHS 111 can help if you have an urgent medical problem and you’re not sure what to do. To get help:

go to (for people aged 5 and over only)

call 111

Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Non-urgent advice: Call 999 or go to A&E in an emergency

Medical emergencies can include:

loss of consciousness
an acute confused state
fits that are not stopping
chest pain
breathing difficulties
severe bleeding that cannot be stopped
severe allergic reactions
severe burns or scalds